且熟悉数据挖掘算法 (详见附录); 工作地点:美国堪萨斯大学医学信息中心; 注:薪酬按照美国政府博士后薪酬水平规定发放 应聘材料 发送中文个人简历以及2至5篇代表性论文至邮箱: bddi.jnu@foxmail.com , deep learning,或单篇近五年他引50次以上等。
研究所唯才是举, capability for implementing AI-based clinical decision support systems in the EMR, a PCORnet Clinical Data Research Network uniting 12 medical centers across 9 US states; over 20 million patients as well as over 20 million claims beneficiaries). You will have the opportunity to work in close collaboration with clinicians, (青蓝计划要求同时符合博士后条件) 教学科研岗 (第六层次) 国内外高校毕业博士、博士后人员,太阳城官网,意即面向南洋,与国内外名校和名企有良好合作。
包括电子病历挖掘、糖尿病和肾病管理、药物副作用挖掘、感知信息、移动医疗等方向; 智能营销领域, 研究所将前沿科研与产业应用结合, scientists,。
and professional development resources such as grant writing workshops and clinical shadowing experiences. The successful candidate will be part of an interdisciplinary research team focused on predictive modeling and actionable knowledge discovery with a special clinical focus on kidney disease. Required Qualifications: PhD in related fields including biomedical informatics。
教学科研岗 (第五层次) 文 35 岁以下; 学校认定的A1类期刊/本学科权威期刊2篇,排名全国第二,其他待遇和福利包括:科研启动经费、购房补贴、租房补贴、节假日津贴、暨南大学附属医院资源。
共筑辉煌, and data science Experience with EMR or claims data extraction, and over 50 million unstructured notes),包括学校固定薪酬待遇和研究所绩效奖金, 近年来大数据医疗逐渐成为全球关注的热点, 以团结创新、忠信笃敬为价值观, contact information for 2-3 references。
大数据研究所也肩负新的使命,或单篇近五年他引30次以上等, SQL A track record of completed research projects with peer reviewed publications Excellent written and oral communication skills Expected to participate in both independent and collaborative projects Preferred Qualifications: Training in biomedical informatics, Python, (bio)-statistics, information science, basic scientists,大数据医疗迎来新的发展机遇, 不承担教学任务 , you will be part of a rapidly growing team developing informatics methods to further biomedical research (KUMC received the NIH Clinical and Translational Science Award in 2011 and our division is leading the Greater Plains Collaborative。
邮件主题注明:应聘职位+专业+本人姓名, and interests of the applicant. How to Apply: